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Why burn wood?

There are many ways to heat your home, but with so many fuels to choose from why burn wood?

Burning wood efficiently produces virtually no smoke and because wood is a renewable source of heat energy if your logs come from sustainably managed trees then you are helping to reduce CO2 production compared to burning fossil fuels which are becoming more rare and expensive to buy. Locally sourced wood will also reduce transport costs and help encourage local business.

Wood burning and Multifuel stoves can burn both hardwood and softwood logs. It is recommended that whichever type you choose to burn has been seasoned or pre dried so that it contains less than 25% moisture content for the best results.

As woodburning has become a popular choice in many homes there are also alternatives to traditional log burning, such as Briquettes or wood fuel logs. These products are manufactured in various ways and are often the by-product of industrial manufacturing. Usually made with compressed sawdust that is bound together with the woods natural lignin when it is softened. The compressed briquettes are dense which reduces storage space and as they are typically low in moisture they produce a great deal of heat and there is no need to store or season them. Most stoves can burn this type of product, which can save you time money and storage space.

Wood pellets are also becoming increasingly popular, manufactured in a similar way to briquettes, the wood pellets are made to a 6mm or 8mm size and are used in biomass boilers or wood pellet stoves. To produce a good wood pellet they must be dry enough to flow through the machine without clogging the mechanisms and moist enough that they do not turn to dust and crumble.

Look for the HETAS logo when buying wood fuel, briquettes and pellets to be assured of a quality product. HETAS certify producers that meet high standards in the production of firewood, briquettes, wood chip and pellets.

North Wales Stoves are a stockist of Blazers wood fuel logs, at less than 8% moisture this HETAS approved product produces little ash and lots of heat, the compressed logs also expand when burning so you use less than you would with a traditional log. Supplied by a local company in packs of 5 they are easy to store and great value for money. Call us on 01745 822344 for our latest prices and special offers

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